CD3 News & Opinions

Does Your DFL State Representative Vote for You on


The DFL prides itself as the "party of education" but do the education bills they recently passed reflect that? Do they promote academic achievement?

With narrow DFL majorities, every DFL Representative, including yours, voted to pass every item in their Party’s extreme 30-point agenda. This means that your DFL Representative in the Minnesota House voted to

  • increase education spending not tied in any way to educational performance improvements
  • require school districts to offer “ethnic studies” embedded in every part of the curriculum
  • make hourly part-time school workers eligible for summer unemployment, an unfunded school district mandate

Does your DFL State Representative really care about educating our kids?

CLICK HERE to read further about these unbalanced actions that do nothing to promote education in Minnesota.

State Constitution Amendment on Ballot: What You Need to Know

In 1971, the state economy was so strong that the governor at the time, Wendy Anderson, was featured on the cover of Time Magazine with the words, “Minnesota Miracle”. How would the state’s 2023 budget enacted by a DFL-controlled legislature compare?

Mark Haveman, Executive Director of the Minnesota Center for Fiscal Excellence, stated recently that the difference is transformational and exponentially worse in terms of fiscal responsibility. In one year, state government spending grew 35%. Speaking to the Republican Seniors at their September meeting, Haveman considers the budget as fiscally unsustainable because revenues are highly dependent on

1. income taxes which are volatile partly due to migration from the State, and

2. federal assistance which is likely to decrease because of increasing federal deficits and politics.

CLICK HERE to read a few key points from Haveman’s talk.

Are You Better Off Now than You Were Four Years Ago?

As Grandpa Stan has wondered, “Why is STUFF so Darn Expensive!”

You, like Grandpa Stan, likely feel that you’re not keeping up with costs that have been rapidly rising over the past four years. You are not alone. And it is not just in your head.

The Kiplinger Retirement Report, October 2024, reported that

  • In November 2020, the year-over-year inflation rate was 1.2%. In June 2022, it peaked at 9.1%. In July 2024, it was 2.9%
  • Gas prices are up 66%, from $2.12/gallon in November 2020 to $3.52/gallon in July 2024
  • Food and beverage inflation experienced by seniors went up by 22% over the 44 months from November 2020 to July 2024
  • Monthly electricity bills have gone up 26% over the 44-month period
  • Credit card Interest rates are up 48%, from 14.65 % in November 2020 to 23.17% in July 2024

Yet, our Minnesota economy is growing such that we can keep up, right? Not so!

CLICK HERE to read more facts about the current Minnesota economy

State Constitution Amendment on Ballot: What You Need to Know

The Minnesota Voters Alliance sent out a notice on September 20 that our ballots will contain a proposed amendment to the State Constitution: Minnesota Amendment 1, Continue to Provide Lottery Revenue to Environment and Natural Resources Fund Amendment (2024).

The amendment includes some provisions that are flying under the radar. We are reprinting key parts of the letter that deserve your attention

Dear Friends,

Minnesota voters will be voting on an important ballot measure to amend the state Constitution. This ballot measure was initiated by Minnesota’s DFL controlled Legislature and voters need to approve it by a majority vote.

What voters will see on their ballot reads as below:
Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund Renewal

Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to protect drinking water sources and the water quality of lakes, rivers, and streams; conserve wildlife habitat and natural areas; improve air quality; and expand access to parks and trails by extending the transfer of proceeds from the state-operated lottery to the environment and natural resources trust fund, and to dedicate the proceeds for these purposes?

CLICK HERE to read what the ballot doesn't tell you

What is the Walz Administration Hiding?

Pioneer Press Morning Report reported on Sept 6 that Gov. Tim Walz was hit with a subpoena that compels the Minnesota Department of Education to produce documentation relating to the state’s Feeding Our Future scandal.

In what federal investigators have called the nation’s largest pandemic aid fraud case, 70 people were charged in federal court with a scheme to steal $250 million in government funding that was meant to feed needy children.

But as the U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee continues its inquiry into what happened with the federal dollars provided by the Department of Agriculture, the Republican-led panel says the Minnesota Department of Education hasn’t been cooperative.

Had You Heard that Crime was Down in Minneapolis?

In September, Minneapolis recorded its 57th homicide of the year, an increase of 23.3% over last year.

But the Minneapolis political elite tell us that it is the Minneapolis Police that need reforming.

Legislators Need to Reform Met Council and Reconsider Extending Light Rail

There has been mounting push back on fixed-route light rail and bus rapid transit proposals in the Twin Cities. The assumptions behind these massively expensive projects need to be re-evaluated, and a review grounded in real data and common sense should be pursued

The poor management exhibited by the Metropolitan Council in the planning and building of the Southwest Light Rail extension has set the stage. When the project broke ground in 2019, it was expected to cost $2 billion and be completed in 2023. Now projected to take twice as long to complete and to overrun by 41.5%, it will be 2027 before it sells its first passenger ticket.

In March 2023, the state’s legislative auditor found that that “the Metropolitan Council obligated itself to spend money it did not have, added or changed substantial work after the project was bid, and was not fully transparent about the project’s increasing costs and delays.”

The Metropolitan Council does not appear to be ready to re-examine its fixation on expensive transportation projects that it believes are essential to the future of the Twin Cities communities and to its population. However, some of those communities and some of the businesses and store owners along the routes of these fixed-route conveyances are more than ready.

CLICK HERE to continue reading about the recent pull back from the St Paul street car, push back on a Purple Line Rapid Bus Transit, drive to reform the Met Council, resistance to the Blue Line Light Rail Extension, and common-sense and cost effective alternatives.

Does your DFL State Representative represent YOU?

Flush with the $18 Billion surplus, Your DFL Representative voted to cut the promised “Rebate checks” from $2000 for every taxpayer to just $260 for “some,” including those who paid no taxes. Instead, they went on a spending spree, inflating the budget 40%.

So we ask: Does your DFL State Representative represent YOU?

With narrow DFL majorities, every DFL Representative, including yours, voted to pass every item in their Party’s extreme 30-point agenda. That includes:

>>> Your DFL Representative in the Minnesota House voted with his DFL party to spend $200 million for the Duluth rail line that will cost more to ride, take longer, and will be far less convenient than driving. (And the cost estimate is ridiculously low. SW Light Rail has already cost $2750 million and is years late.) It defines boondoggle. Does your DFL State Representative understand that?

>>> Your DFL Representative in the Minnesota House voted with the DFL party to PROVE that there is no end to the good that can be done with other people’s [YOUR] money, including free college (for family incomes under $80,000), and $2.2 Billion on an “infrastructure [bonding] bill” (special interest payoffs) in a NON-bonding year.

>>> Who says there is no such thing as a free lunch? Your DFL Representative in the Minnesota House voted with the DFL party to give free lunch AND breakfast to ALL Minnesota school students, regardless of need.

So we ask again: Does your DFL State Representative represent YOU?

If these votes do NOT represent your values, respectfully share your thoughts on this to your network and on social media this week! AND…

Vote to stop these outrages by voting Republican in November (or EARLIER)!

Credit for the above goes to the Senate District 56 Republicans.

Republican Party State Central Committee Meeting and Convention Made History

The Republican Party of Minnesota held two important meetings and a dinner at the end of last week. In some ways, they brought about some significant changes. In other ways, efforts to change how the party functions were defeated.

Two events captured national media attention.

  • Former President and presumptive 2024 Republican Party Presidential nominee Donald Trump appeared and spoke for almost an hour-and-a-half to over a thousand Republicans at a Lincoln Reagan Dinner on Friday evening. The event was virtually sold out. All of the net proceeds went to the state party; Trump asked for no compensation for flying in and speaking. CLICK HERE [(20+) Facebook] for a short clip of the event, courtesy of Michael Hammond
  • Royce White was endorsed to be the Republican candidate to run against Amy Klobuchar for US Senate. He overcame the Nominating Committee’s finding of “Qualified with Reservations,” which was attributed in part to his past history of support for the Black Lives Matter movement and insufficient campaign funding. He was nominated by national political commentator Steve Bannon in a video. He assured the attendees that contributions will come now that he is endorsed.

Royce White gave a very stirring speech that clearly resonated with the delegates from across Minnesota. It was frequently interrupted by applause. His endorsement on the first ballot reflects the strong support he has among active Republicans. His appeal to all Americans to make their citizenship count and their voices heard reflects a strong challenge to Amy Klobuchar and the current leadership in Washington.

Candidate Registration is Open

The window for most federal, state and county candidates to file for office is now open! It opened on Tuesday, May 21, and will remain open through Tuesday, June 4.

Major parties have until August 30 to submit their candidates. Contact your local clerk for the correct filing period for you municipality or school district.

CLICK HERE to read advice on filing for office

State Central Committee Sends Chance and Kamara to Republican National Committee

At the State Central Committee meeting on Thursday, the delegates passed the torch to a younger generation of representation to the Republican National Committee. The delegates elected Emily Chance as our RNC National Committeewoman and AK Kamara as our National Committeeman. Neither ran on the basis of diversity, but were selected based on their individual talents, energy, and the outreach that they promised to incorporate in their work for the Party.

Emily Chance and AK Kamara will take over from the current National Committeewoman, Barb Sutter, and Committeeman, Alex Plechash, at the end of the Republican National Convention in July.

Barb Sutter and Alex Plechash have served our party and our CD with distinction for several years. Alex made a gracious and unifying speech following AK Kamara’s election, offering his congratulations. Both Barb and Alex promised their support in the transition to the new RNC Committee members.

CLICK HERE for more background on Emily Chance and AK Kamara

Operation of the State Party:

Pretty Much Stay the Course

Delegates to the State Central Committee and to the State Convention were asked to consider changes to the Party Constitution and Bylaws. When all of the proposed changes were debated and the votes had been counted, little really changed.

Efforts to streamline the platform and refocus the resolution process were defeated. Changes intended to provide some discipline enforcement provisions, to resolve some overlapping jurisdictional issues, and to adjust financial and contractual restrictions to take inflation into account were rejected.

The 3rd Congressional District would like to thank the following volunteers for their work on registration during the Convention: Zavier Bicott, Kimlinh Bui, Mark Dillon, Scott Graham, Loras Holmberg, Svetlana Jones, Elliott Loutsch, Michael Moesenthin, and Bill Swaim

CLICK HERE to learn more about what passed and what did not pass.

Fourteen CD3 Republicans Elected to Attend Republican National Convention

Minnesota Republicans will send 39 delegates and 36 alternates to the National Convention in July. Almost a quarter of those will come from CD3. Pictured above were the delegates and alternates to the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Congratulations to:

  • Michael Bang
  • Lana Barbarossa
  • Kimlinh Bui
  • Susan Chambers
  • Svetlana Jones
  • Steve Leventhal
  • Vladimir Lifson
  • Michael Moesenthin
  • Barbara Novak
  • Paul Ridgeway
  • Bonnie Ripple
  • Julie Ann Schmidt
  • Randy Sutter
  • Kathleen Swart

They will join David Hann (MNGOP Chair), Barb Sutter (National Committeewoman), and Alex Plechash (National Committeeman).  All hale from CD3.

Ellen Cousins Elected CD3 Republican Presidential Elector

Ellen Cousins was selected at the 3rd Congressional District Convention in April to be the CD3 Presidential Elector. Ellen is the Chair of Senate District 49 and has spearheaded efforts to push back on Ranked Choice Voting in Minnetonka.

Each Congressional District has a Presidential Elector. Two more were elected at large at the State Convention.

The work of a Presidential Elector is prescribed by law. Briefly, it is a ceremonial role that involves meeting in St Paul a few weeks after the November election to cast Minnesota’s official votes for the US President and US Vice President.

Republican Congressional Candidates Vie for District 3 Endorsement

Four conservatives are reaching out to CD3 Republicans to seek our endorsement at our April 27 convention. Potential candidates have up to June 4 to file their candidacy.

Check out these links for more information on these candidates:
Tad Jude: Jude for Congress
Brad Kohler:
Jamie Page: Jamie Page for United States House of Representatives
Quentin Wittrock: Quentin for Congress

Please refer to the Event page flyer for more details regarding the CD3 Convention.

Supreme Court to Hear Felon Voting Case

by Andy Cilek, Executive Director, Minnesota Voters Alliance

The Minnesota Supreme Court has granted accelerated review of the Minnesota Voters Alliance (MVA) challenge to the 2023 Felon Voting Law. Oral arguments will take place on April 1, 2024.

The newly passed law raises constitutional questions that demand prompt resolution as the conventional appellate process could extend uncertainty surrounding the law, potentially impacting the upcoming election season.

The Supreme Court needs to clarify its 2023 Schroeder v Simon decision, where the court did not reach a definitive ruling on what "restored to civil rights" means in the Constitution, or whether restoring "the civil right to vote" satisfies that constitutional requirement. The Court will now reach these crucial issues.

We believe the Minnesota Constitution requires restoration of the totality of a felon's civil rights lost upon sentencing before the felon can vote. The Felon Voting Law, however, restores the right to vote while the felon is still serving his sentence.

There are an estimated 55,000 felons in this state who have yet to complete their entire sentences.

By granting accelerated review, the Supreme Court has agreed with the MVA that, regardless of the Court's ultimate decision, it is critical for Minnesota citizens to have an answer prior to the 2024 election.

Click here to view the granting order. In case you missed it, here is our Petition For Review that was filed by the Upper Midwest Law Center.

This case represents MVA’s third appearance before the Minnesota Supreme Court during the last three years.

Legislative Update: Local Housing Bill

I’d like to highlight a bill that impacts local zoning laws and could impact the character of our 11 cities and all of Minnesota. House File 4009[HF 4009 Status in the House for the 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) (] is a bill authored by Representative Kraft (D-St. Louis Park) with the intent to address housing affordability. However, the bill author is trying to accomplish this by removing local control.

I hosted a town hall to discuss this very topic with our local leaders and community. After a great discussion, many phone calls, and emails, I voted no during the Housing Committee hearing. I was the only member from either party to do so because an increased density of up to 8 housing units per lot would cause strain on infrastructure needs, stormwater management, street parking limitations, and clean water issues.

Further, the bill’s removal of local control takes away public input and fails to allow local officials the ability to maintain city character.

As a former city council member and planning chair, I know we need to address housing affordability with a balanced and reasonable approach. That is why I drafted two bills that would help, including a first-time homebuyer interest rate buy-down program (House File 4253)[ HF 4253 Status in the House for the 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) (].

Additionally, I want to ensure that any additional restrictions to the state building code that would increase the cost of a house go through a stricter review. Because for every $1,000 increase in the price of a house, 3000 people are priced out of purchasing that home (House File 4435)[ HF 4435 Status in the House for the 93rd Legislature (2023 - 2024) (].

Finally, I am authoring a bill this week that would provide a sales tax exemption on all materials used in the building of a new home under $465,000, which would bring almost $20,000 in savings on the purchase price of a home.

These balanced solutions help address affordability, lack of inventory, and work to support Minnesota’s economy without taking away so much local control.

Trump Within Striking Distance in Minnesota

While Biden beat Donald Trump in Minnesota by more than 7% of the vote four years ago, there are early signs that the state could be more competitive this fall. Recent polls have put Trump within striking distance of Biden in the state, and the former president is promising to put resources [Donald Trump falsely claims he won Minnesota in 2020, then contradicts himself (] into trying to flip Minnesota red in November."

Turnout for the March 5 Presidential Primary is another indicator of trending political sentiment in Minnesota. Across the state, forty-one percent (41%) more Republicans voted than Democrats. In the 3rd Congressional District, 27% more voters asked for Republican ballots than asked for Democrat ballots

Briana Bierschbach, in a Star Tribune article published on March 16[Minnesota's 'uncommitted' vote on Super Tuesday could be a warning sign to Democrats in the fall (], noted that the drop in DFL voter turnout “should serve as a warning sign to Democrats and the Biden administration about the fall election.

"A lot of people I talked to on the doors just weren't going to show up on Super Tuesday and said they didn't want to show up in November either," said Asma Mohammed, an organizer with the uncommitted campaign.

"That should scare Democrats. I'm a lifelong Democrat and that scares me."

Republicans in CD3 need to keep the drumbeat going of Democratic missteps and Progressive overreach.

Election Season is Upon Us!

Attend your Republican Party Caucus on February 27

Over the next 4 months, the Republican Party in Minnesota will hold four important meetings that will shape the direction of our Party.  Now is the time for you to get involved, have your voice heard, and make a difference. 
First, attend your Minnesota Republican Party caucus, the primary means by which every conservative can impact the direction of the Party and the candidates that will campaign for our votes.  If you think the Republican Party is run by a few elite insiders, then you must attend your precinct caucus if you expect to see changes.

The caucuses are local meetings of voters who generally agree with the principles of the Republican Party.  In Congressional District 3, “precincts” are generally made up of a few neighborhoods, of people that live relatively close to each other.  You meet and have a chance to talk with the people that you will elect as precinct chairs and other local leaders. This is your chance to step forward to be one of those leaders. 

To find out where your caucus is being held, CLICK HERE.  The caucuses must start by 7 pm on February 27, but it would be a good idea to be there by at least 6:45 pm to sign in and get seated. 

If you care, be there!

Only elected precinct delegates are invited to attend the second step in the process, your Senate District Annual Convention held in March of 2024.

As an elected precinct delegate, you can attend your SD Convention.  It is at your Senate District convention that you request to be elected a Delegate (or an Alternate) to the 3rd Congressional District Convention on April 27, 2024 and/or a Delegate or Alternate to the State Convention on May 17-18, 2024.

Third, at the CD3 Convention, you will hear from candidates running for the 3rd Congressional District U.S. House seat and our U.S. Senate Seat. As a Delegate, you will:

  • Endorse one of the U.S. House candidates as our Republican backed candidate. Given the radical legislation that the DFL-controlled House passed in 2023, the role of convention delegate in supporting the best conservative candidate is essential.
  • We will also elect a delegate to the Republican National Convention in July, where our Presidential candidate will be endorsed.

Fourth, at the State Convention, you will hear from candidates and elect additional National Delegates. A candidate for U.S. Senate will also be endorsed.

So it gets back to your caucus on February 27!  All the current leaders of the MN Republican Party got their start by participating in their local caucus. If you care about the direction of your government, care enough to participate in your local caucus. Run to be a precinct leader and a delegate to your local Senate District convention.

Commit to Voting in Your Local Elections – They’re Too

Important to Miss

Election Day is Tuesday, November 7. Some of you may not have a ballot this year. You may not have candidates or ballot questions to consider. Yet many of us do. And the choices are very important.

Many of us have the opportunity this year to elect new members of our city councils and school boards. Many of us will be asked to approve or disapprove critical initiatives with long-term impacts for our whole communities. Your vote could decide who governs your city, oversees the education of our kids, if the sales taxes will go up in Bloomington, if Edina schools will get more money, and if Ranked Choice Voting.will continue in Minnetonka.

In our democracy, voting is a choice. But your choice not to vote will impact far more than you. In the 2022 election, some conservative candidates did not get elected because enough Republicans did not vote.

To learn if your city, town, and/or school district is holding elections this year, use the Secretary of State's to see the names of candidates and questions that will be on the ballot for your precinct, if any. Find links to additional information about the candidates and ballots questions.

To learn where you should go to vote, voting hours, and related information, check out the Secretary of State's Polling Place Finder.

The news and opinions posted below are intended to cover events and issues of potential interest to conservatives in the 3rd Congressional District of Minnesota

Early Machine Voting is Underway Now

Early voting is already underway. We urge you to take advantage of it. Do not risk Election Day distractions or problems that could keep your voice from being heard.

If you have concerns about putting your paper ballot into an envelope and dropping it in the mail, you can go in person, mark your ballot, and put it directly into a ballot counter. The same procedure as on Election Day, without the rush. CLICK HERE to find out where you can go early to vote by machine. Or you can contact your county election official by CLICKING HERE.

Voting early does more than avoid the risk of problems on Election Day. Hennepin County is making lists available of people who have already voted (not how they voted). More and more campaigns are taking advantage of these lists to drop early voters off of their mailers and text messaging campaigns.

Want to stop being bugged? Go Vote!

Interested in Recommendations for Voting in CD3?

In local elections within the 3rd Congressional District, many candidates take the position that they will run non-partisan. They do not openly seek to be endorsed or even formally recommend by a political party.

That has not stopped us from considering the candidates that are running for your consideration. We have been impressed with the work being done by local groups, whose values we share. Groups like the Minnesota Parents Alliance, the Residents for a Better Bloomington, and Yes 2 Repeal RCV in Minnetonka. 

CLICK HERE to find links to the voting recommendations of these groups. We have also provided links when our local political units have recommended a local candidate in their area.

Suit to Strike Down Felon Voting to be Argued October 30

The Minnesota Voters Alliance (MVA) filed suit in Anoka County District Court against the Secretary of State on June 29, 2023, for the purpose of striking down as unconstitutional the recently passed “felon voting” law. The MVA is represented by the Upper Midwest Law Center.

The case will be argued in-person on Monday, October 30, 2023, at 8:30 a.m., at the Anoka County Government Center, 2100 3rd Ave, Anoka, MN 55303. The courtroom number will be posted in the lobby. The Honorable Judge Thomas R. Lehmann will be presiding. The hearing is open to the public.

The Minnesota Voters Alliance will hold a social event following the hearing at the nearby Sparky’s Café (12 Bridge Square). The attorneys and plaintiffs will attend.

CLICK HERE to read further about the law and how it conflicts with the Minnesota Constitution

Want to be a Delegate to the 2024 Republican National Convention?  Here is How!

The Republican Presidential Candidate debate in Milwaukee last week was the first step toward selecting our next President.  A select number of Republicans will gather in the same city over three days, July 15-18, for the 2024 Republican National Convention (2024 RNC).  If you want to be a delegate or alternate to that convention and cast a vote for our nominee, here are a few things you might want to know:

Minnesota is allotted 39 Delegates and 36 Alternates.  
Three Delegates are already determined (the State Party Chair, the Republican National Committeewoman, and the Republican National Committeeman).  
Each of Minnesota's eight Congressional Districts elect three Delegates and three Alternates.  
The remaining 12 Delegates and 12 Alternates are elected "at-large" at our Republican State Convention May 16-18.

To learn more about becoming a 2024 RNC Delegate or Alternate, CLICK HERE

Paid Family and Medical Leave Bill  -- Bad Policy Wrong for Minnesota

The Paid Family and Medical Leave Act was approved last week by the Minnesota legislature by votes of 68-62 in the MN House, 34-32 in the MN Senate.  All Republicans voted against it. 

Why?  Because it imposes a government mandate on all employers in Minnesota without regard to the impact it will have ultimately on employment.  It increases the cost of labor, reducing the incentive to hire additional employees.  Employers in struggling enterprises may have to let employees go that are not significant contributors.  

Rep Andrew Myers (R, Tonka Bay) pointed out that this new law is funded by a brand-new tax on employers and employees. "It will cost billions of dollars to get up and running and will require as many as 400 new full-time employees to develop and administrate the program."  

Rep. Danny Nadeau (R, Rogers) wrote to his constituents on May 5 that he supports expanded access to paid family and medical leave, but "had serious concerns about the details of this proposal, including new payroll taxes, ever-growing government bureaucracy, and troublesome mandates."

As an alternative, Republicans proposed the Minnesota Family and Medical Leave Insurance (FaMLI) Plan.  As Rep Nadeau stated on the floorof the house,  the FaMLI Plan was "clear, stable, affordable, and flexible plan that serves families"  rather than promote an activist agenda.  It was defeated.

CLICK HERE to continue reading specifics of the law provided by Rep. Myers

Meet the CD3 Executive Committee Members

Following are short background summaries of a few of the new Executive Committee members. Additional member biographical summaries will be published in subsequent newsletters and will be posted on the CD3 website.  Check back periodically for additional summaries.

Randy Sutter -- Chair

Jake Moroshek – Deputy Chair

To read additional biographical summaries, please CLICK HERE

Time to Roll Up our Sleeves

By Randy Sutter

The margin of the DFL victory in our state last year was very small. Yet, our DFL legislature is brazenly acting like they have a popular mandate.

They are enacting laws that do not reflect our values or those of a majority of Minnesotans. They feel that they can host public drag queen performances in the rotunda of our capitol. They feel no need to return the massive state budget surplus to us. Rather, they intend to spend it like there is no tomorrow.

Well, there will be a tomorrow. We need to ensure that it will be the tomorrow that we and the hard-working people of this state deserve.

We must work to restore a rational, realistic government to our state. We must work to return legislators to St. Paul who will demand

We cannot rely on a "red wave" to make it happen. We cannot rely on simply recruiting good candidates and holding rousing rallies, although these are important. The key to making a difference in the tomorrow of 2024 is the work that we do starting today.

CLICK HERE to continue reading

Looking for Volunteers for the State Fair

The MN GOP has created a Standing Committee to plan and oversee the MNGOP’s State Fair booth.  MN GOP Deputy Chair Donna Bergstrom is a Co-Chair of the committee, and she is asking for a volunteer from the 3rd Congressional District to be on the committee.

The set-up and operation of the booth depends on volunteer support. There will be several opportunities:

To volunteer, please email Michael Bang at and copy Randy Sutter at To secure your preferred slot, please volunteer early.

For more information, please CLICK HERE.

Study finds Claims in favor of Ranked Choice Voting Seriously Lacking

Passage of a Ranked Choice Voting bill in the MN Legislature is no longer a sure thing. At the end of March, the DFL chair of the Senate Election Committee abruptly cancelled a meeting to debate and pass SF1635, which included full implementation of RCV. The Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota had just published a study calling into questions several assertions of RCV supporters.

In fact, many of the claims made were found to be seriously lacking, according to a post in the online political blog, Checks & Balances. In addition, Senate President Bobby Joe Champion (DFL, Minneapolis) is an ardent opponent.

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) advocates believe this method encourages interest among potential voters and reduces the influence of special interest lobbies. However, upon inspection of pro-RCV advocates’ websites such as, one finds that it is the special interests that support this voting scheme.

RCV presents an alarming risk that voters’ actual will is usurped, thus disenfranchising voters. The RCV/IRV system does not ensure ‘one person, one vote’, and does not even ensure that a majority candidate will win. The League of Women Voters notes that RCV may allow a candidate to win even without a majority “if enough voters did not give any votes to their lower choices.”

CLICK HERE to continue reading how RCV does not deliver on its promised benefits

3rd Congressional District Convention Set for April 29

Delegates and alternates elected to represent their BPOUs across the 3rd Congressional District have been sent the official call to attend our annual CD3 Convention. Planned this year for Saturday, April 29, the convention will be held at the Wayzata Central Middle School auditorium, 305 Vicksburg Lane N, Plymouth.

The business of the convention this year will be to:

 •  Hear from legislative representatives and party leaders

 •  Elect Executive Officers (Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and seven (7) Vice Chairs

 •  Consider and vote on amendments to the CD3 Constitution and Bylaws

 •  Conduct other district business

Republicans in the 3rd Congressional District who wish to be considered as candidates for CD3 Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, or Vice Chair should CLICK HERE and indicate for which officer position they would like to be considered. A representative of the Officer Review Committee will reach out and schedule an interview. The deadline for candidate submissions is April 15.

Click to read more

Executive Committee Has Plans for CD3 in 2023

The CD3 Executive Officers and volunteers actively supported Republican candidates in races in 2022. Door-knocking in Plymouth's Senate District 42 and in Bloomington's Senate District 51 (depicted above) were just two examples. We also had some great volunteers who staffed a district campaign office in Maple Grove, turning it into an active call center.

Unfortunately, door-knocking and phone-calling was not enough to elect many of our outstanding Republican candidates. We need to do more. The margins in both the Minnesota House and Senate remain very small, and the CD3 Executive Committee is preparing to implement new strategies to make a difference in 2024.

We have ambitious plans to improve the election outcomes in our district. The CD3 Executive Committee have adopted a strategic plan, and each officer will lead the execution of a key area of that plan, including:

• Party infrastructure building and growth

• Collaboration with community organizations

• Local candidate/campaign training & support

• Outreach

• Event planning and support

• Communications & messaging

• Fundraising

Going forward, the executive officers will be reach out to the CD3 senate district leadership. Together, we hope to recruit and engage volunteers in pursuit of these objectives. We are also making strong connections with conservative action groups to set up training and organizing programs.

We are not waiting and hoping for new candidates to step forward. Join us to lay the groundwork now.

CLICK HERE to continue reading about CD3 Executive Officer roles and opportunities.

Study finds Claims for Ranked Choice Voting Seriously Lacking

Passage of a Ranked Choice Voting bill in the MN Legislature is no longer a sure thing. At the end of March, the DFL chair of the Senate Election Committee abruptly cancelled a meeting to debate and pass SF1635, which included full implementation of RCV. The Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota had just published a study calling into questions a number of assertions of RCV supporters.

In fact, many of the claims made were found to be seriously lacking, according to a post in the online political blog, Checks & Balances. In addition, Senate President Bobby Joe Champion (DFL, Minneapolis) is an ardent opponent.

Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) advocates believe this method encourages interest among potential voters and reduces the influence of special interest lobbies. However, upon inspection of pro-RCV advocates’ websites such as, one finds that it is the special interests that support this voting scheme.

RCV presents an alarming risk that voters’ actual will is usurped, thus disenfranchising voters. The RCV/IRV system does not ensure ‘one person, one vote’, and does not even ensure that a majority candidate will win. The League of Women Voters notes that RCV may allow a candidate to win even without a majority “if enough voters did not give any votes to their lower choices.”

CLICK HERE to continue reading how RCV does not deliver on its promised benefits.